Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Into the Fire, working on alien machinery

At least I got a repair manual with the bike (bottom pic) and a member of the Russian Iron forum sent me a correct one (top). 
Both books have way more tolerances and tech numbers than most would need and some of the assembly and disassembly instructions are lost in the translation. And I have found some of the tools online because of the special tool numbers in these books. Nice diagrams but not many exploded style.  Still lots of help all available online for free, and for sale in disc. 
Kinda looks like a Volkswagen beetle motor huh?
A motorcycle lift is essential if your serious! Sooooo much easier. 
I found it had a failed large end rod bearing failure on the right jug, cracked rear of crankshaft, and a piston pin retaining clip on the right jug that had backed out and deeply grooved that jug. This bike ran! Well kinda, when you kicked it you could feel something not right, idle was ok, give it gas and Oh Boy! So I pick my parts dealer online, order everything for the engine that I can't get at the local NAPA from one place and clean and look for problems with the case and trans case, gears ect. 
Yes that's my living room, in a little apartment. Landlord is cool! You can't see Butcher my radical little honda chopper that lives in my house, can't bring myself to put him out! The timing mark below is kinda askew, I found its common with these and the marks on the flywheel can be a little off a little.
This clutch is just like a car high performance multi-plate dry clutch, not like the honda wet multi-plates, this motor and trans is more car like than traditional motorcycle systems. 
I have no idea what the friction material is, secret Russian unicorn horn and griffin blood baked at Chernobyl. It's strange looking, feeling, smelling, no I didn't taste it! Well,,,, just a little,far it works, so when it fails I will fix it. At this point I really just wanted it running so I could see if it was going to be something I wanted to really do, I had never even ridden in a sidecar with lone Drove one! It's called piloting for a good reason! It was a learning experience let me tell you! I really think someone that  had never ridden a motorcycle would have it slightly easier on there bodies, might not fight it as much! Ok now I have the motor in and learning what it takes to keep it running and how to Pilot the Beast. I found it customary to name your "rig", I picked Anastasia meaning resurrected Ukrain. 

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