Monday, November 11, 2013

Changing the Final Drive gear ratio

Now that I have some miles piloting a sidecar rig I feel confidant that I can safely go faster. I have installed solo gearing in the final drive to see if the motor can pull that higher speed gearing. First I replaced all the brake shoes and adjusted everything correctly. It works great! It did take some getting used to the way it took off from a stop fully loaded.
The original 8/37 gears on left and new 9/35 on right, it doesn't look much different but it sure drives different! Put these together and you get faster MPH with the same RPM of the motor.
 this swap wasn't that hard if your used to a differential type ring and pinion and know the mechanical concept of what your doing!

Doing this makes it much more drivable in traffic but I think it will not work for off roading very well. I have been changing the lube often because the gear faces had no polishing on them at all, common Russian practice of polish as it wears in process....